I always denied our relationship. I never really loved you. My family warned me about you, but hey it's nothing serious. I'm just having fun. We did have some good times, so I thought. On the outside I appeared to be fine. I looked ok. But there was something missing inside, and when I would search myself you would tell me "it's nothing". For some reason our good times aren't so good anymore. You are there for the parties, drinking listening to music. You were always there for my arguments, hurt and pain. I started to wonder, were you the cause. Truth be told I knew you weren't the one for me but I couldn't deny a good time. My life started spinning out of control. I've experienced sooo much. Death of family, death of relationships......You smirked. You told me you were my friend and that you were the only one that actually cared for me. I look back and realize you didn't care. You could careless. You encouraged the anger, grudge, partying, pre-marital sex. You knew I wanted to wait. You knew how to lure me. The more I think about it, my family was soooo right. Momma knows best. So as of right now you can have all of your hiphop CD's back, your movies, and all the medicine you encouraged me to take for an illness I dont even have!! Give me back my Bible that you claim you didn't have but I found under your dirty pile. I want to be happy. Live again, love again, and I will without you.
You have been holding out on us over at Potent Praise & Poetry. My question is when are you gonna submit something to our blog :) We are anxiously awaiting?...lol
ASAP!! ;)
Yay! Thanks. Talk to you soon! I posted more info for you in the comments section.
tia, i knew once i got to the middle of your excellent and inspirational post that you were speaking of evilness. it's just something about an evil nature that is easily identified.
this is one of the best blog post i have ever read. the message rings true. there is no place for evilness in a human heart.
also, i read your comments on character corner. so touching. i will return next year.
also, if ever you'd like to go back and read my archived blog post concerning minus the bars or deeper and deeper, feel free to drop me an email @ minusthebarsblog@yahoo.com
i will be happy to send you the invites.
Wow thanks Don...hearing you feel it was the best..I don't even know how to take that. I can't imagine you feeling lil ole me,,,lonely over here in this blog corner alone, was the best? I do need more confidence but are you sure?
I'm learning to take a compliment by saying...Thank you. Thank you to one of..no..the best blogger here. I will miss you and thanks for bringing me into your circle of friends.
*one* of the best I meant to say..either way, still shocking and appreciated.
hey miss tia
long time no see.
GA is beautiful. next time im in your neck of the woods for an extended time i'll let u know
bring the kids too, if u like
im a mommy so i understand.
i like the piece u did here.
all of us need to break up with that jerk satan.
Thanks i. it's always a pleasure when you stop by. Your page and potent praise are the only chick pages that I can read all the way through without skippin a post. Like I told potent praise, I get a headache trying to take in sooo much. I need a book mark for ya'll...if such exsist.
Getting together with the rugrats would be nice. My 8yr old wants to do his own play dates so he would probably throw me the piece fingers..but stinky man and lil mama are my row dawgs...lol
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