I remember when we were so close
we talked all the time
You told me of your dreams and desires
You told me how lonely you were
How you wanted a soulmate
My heart dropped
I thought I were your soulmate
But I loved you sooo much
I brought love your way
You thanked me..
I smiled, I was happy
Your family grew and you had
beautiful babies
Oh how I loved them so
You hit a hard patch in your life
You lost your job, your marriage was strained
I hurt for you, I felt your pain
You cried out to me, I was there for you
I got you a better job, I made your mate more loving
This time you didnt thank me
You took all the credit
I'm loosing my dear friend and
I have to get you back....
That gift from your mate,
that was my idea and you only thank him
The mysterious bonus check and miraculous healing
All me.....
Do you remember that?
I cast satan out of your home and life
I healed your family
I got you that raise
Have you forgotten about me
I miss my friend
I'll never give up on you
very nice, tia.
very nice.
Thanks Don!
yes i do
on several occasions
is all
this breath
'can breathe
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