Are you in transition? How do you know? If you agree that you are a different person than you were a few years ago, but have yet to arrive to becoming what you are destined to become, you might say you are in transition. Transition does not come easy or without regrets. For the most part, we aren't even trying to change, sometimes it just happens. The world spins just as life does and we are forever evolving. For those Faith believers, transition is a spiritual path. It's the journey of taking the road to Christ, and the steps in a positive direction. People of the world might not experience many levels of transition. For them it might stop and hault and a certain plato. But those of faith, our transition is never over. We are constantly moving, progressing, searching and hopefully getting closer and closer to the Kingdom of God.
But let's say your transition has not been positive, and you have been places you regret. You might want to go backwards and hope to start again. But you must remember, as long as you continue to evolve and move there is hope. It's when you are not in transit that should cause you concern. Keep moving and pressing towards the mark. Even if you fall a few steps, it's ok, dust off and keep going. No matter how many times you fall, I assure you, you are further ahead now than you were years ago. So embrace your transition. Keep moving towards the right direction. And if you are unsure of the path to take, stop and look at your map (Bible) for direction. For the most part, the correct path is the path less traveled. Remember many are called but few are chosen. So for your sake pick the best path for the ultimate transition!!
But you must remember, as long as you continue to evolve and move there is hope. It's when you are not in transit that should cause you concern.
Oh, most definitely. I believe the same. It's a long road filled with many negatives along the way, but I keep my eyes on the prize and faith is what keeps me moving. Some of my personal friends always ask me, 'what if i don't ever reach the end of the road...'
i reply, 'what if i do?'
and thanks for the happy fathers day email. aww man, smiles everywhere. i appreciate you. i had a pretty good fathers day. rode to atlanta. kicked it.
Sure thing. Where do you live?
Sis. Tia:
Thanks for your post and commenting on my blog. I now blog at http://iamasonofgod.wordpress.com. You can find some my updates there! God bless.
Transition is a very hard thing to do because we are so focused on what we may lose in the process. When I read this a few things came to mind that I was studying earlier today. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul (Mark 8:36) and He guides the humble in what is right and teachers them his way (Psalms 25:9).
What we fail to remember that we have the road map (bible) and step by step guide to travel the road and what to do when we come across certain situations (storms, test, & trials), but sometimes we end up traveling a road we want to travel on and end up where we are not supposed to be instead of the one God has prepared for us and heading in the direction of where we need to be.
Have a blessed day!
Well said as always Tarsha. That scripture Psalms 25:9 spoke to my spirit. I will have to look that one up. Don and I were just talking about humility.
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