Tuesday, May 4, 2010


(repost, feeling it just as much now as I did when I wrote it)

My heart is heavy and burdened
Lord hear my cry
The enemy is attacking all those around me
while you have been my comforter and my strength
some are still lost and weary
Lord take my pain and feeling of helplessness away
heal the bodies and the financial struggles of my
loved ones
Release the strongholds that the enemy has placed
Dry my tears and hold my heart
Help me to be a blessing to others
as you have used me before
Show me your works and keep me grounded in you
while I know weeping may endure for the night but
joy cometh in the morning.
hear my cry Lord.


Mizrepresent said...

Amen Tia! Although our lives maybe okay there are so many amongst who are suffering financially, emotionally, physically. My prayer is your prayer because i truly know the power of God, his mercy and grace. All will be well if we continue to belive, to act on his behalf in whatever we are doing. Thanks for this, it was indeed a reminder to me and others that our work is never done.

25champ said...

That was beautiful spoken truly from the heart. I loved it and look forward to u blessing my blogg with ur words. Great Post~

Don said...

I like when you post these types of post. They are my favorites. Nothing better than seeing another human being determined against all odds.

It coincides with the great gospel music.

"Storm, you can't last."

Push forward, as always Tia.

Tia's Real Talk said...

Thanks you guys. Yesterday was one of those moods. It didn't last long but my spirits were low for a couple of hours. Even though I wrote that a while ago, it still holds the same truth now as it did then. Every word, even the family issues. Different issues, same family. lol
Realizing the same kinds of issues are revisiting my life. Satan is such a liar!!