There comes a time when we must let go of the bags. Someone has hurt us, betrayed us and mistreated us but how long will it fester? At what point do you take back control of your life and say "enough"? Bags are strongholds and/or things from your past that you have yet to let go of. Get the closure you need to release your baggage.
Grown children living at home, lovers disrespecting your relationship, or back stabbing friends, are all things that can and will cause an overload of bag issues. It leaves you bitter and unable to embrace the things that life brings. It weighs you down and you start to lack the luster you once possessed. Take inventory of your life and surroundings. Holding on to hurt and pain manifests in our bodies causing stress and other illnesses. Rid yourself of all things that are holding you back.
Stop faulting you sister for childhood things, let it go that your friend didn't return your shoes, let go of the fact that your boyfriend looked at another woman, they have. And while you are angry and holding on to bull, they have gone on with their life and not even consumed with your issues.
Ladies, how many times have you gotten into relationships that were founded on a crutch? For fear of being alone or the last one married; we keep our hair tight, close tighter, plaster on a fake smile and begin yet another relationship even though you are still hurting from what so and so did to you in 1996. But we wonder why our relationships don't work.
What if you don't realize you have baggage. Here are a few examples:
Can't get a phone in your name because your ex jacked up your credit? Baggage!
Can't park your car because you are housing your cousins bedroom set? Baggage! Literally.
Can't/won't open up to love and happiness because of a hurtful past relationship? Baggage!
All of these things are holding you back from something in your life.
How do you release them once they have been revealed?
One step at a time. This requires more than a mental action, it's physical too. Sometimes conversations need to be had, phone calls made, boxes packed up, items returned or just simply let it go and forgive. Not in secret, let them know you forgive them!
Baggage is effecting your life physically so the action that must be taken is physical.
Ignoring it will only pile on the luggage and delay any growth and happiness.