Am I less of a sister because I'm light?
You think because I blend in a little better
everything for me is alright?
I might not look like you
not dark enough to be black
or hood enough as a matter of fact
but "they" know I'm not one of them
So where do I stand?
You might be hated by the white man
but I'm hated by you
My sista
the one who shares my pain
I thought the field and house negro
was all in the past
After just celebrating MLK day
we are still far from free at last
Just remember, I am no less of a sista
just because I am bright
I am fighting the same struggle,
fighting the same fight
the only difference is
my skin happens to be light
But, I am STILL a SISTA!
Absolutely beautiful!!
Thanks Lisa! I tried not to be offensive but still speak truth.
youz a fiiiiiiiiine sista too tia
you are beautiful in so many ways other than your looks
you are a great person
you really give black women a good name
its hard for me to hold those opinions that i have of black women whenever i am over here
you always catch me off guard lol
James- lol..thanks. Im glad that I'm appreciated!!
You were not offensive and you spoke the truth when it comes to some of our sistas
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