Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Food For Thought!!

Do you ever sit and think about the countless serial killers, rapists and murders you may come in contact with EVERYDAY!?!? Behind you in the line, next to you at the traffic light or walking next to you down the street. God has protected you from harm!! GOD HAS KEPT YOU SAFE! So stop thinking you live in a "good" area or that you were "n the right place at the right time" Plain and simple...GOD HAS KEPT YOU! SO THANK HIM!!! #ThatIsAll


Christoph Writes... said...

I thank HIM for HIS grace and mercy every day. Glad to know everything is with you.

Stop by new blog, ChristophWrites@blogspot.com. I found my passion and I'm encouraging others to do the same.

Reggie said...

I must admit that occasionally I'll see someone when I'm out and about and think......yeah he's probably got heads on poles in his basement.

Tia's Real Talk said...

HA!! Reg, I never thought about the heads on poles but I often think about rapists and kidnappers. Guess cause I'm a woman and mom! Gotta be careful and watchful!