Marriage is not about finding the right person, it's about being the right person. You can NOT be the right person if your heart is filled with anger, hurt, bitterness and resentment, there is no room for love. You can not be taught how to love, you have to experience it. The first step is to acknowledge that your heart is hurt. These hurts will leave a fossil like impression that can't be removed without the help of CHRIST. Making it impossible for someone to occupy a place in your heart. Turning "I do's" into "I don't". Then we start to blame the other person. "I thought he/she was the one", "she/he is not what I thought he/she would be." When all along, our hearts couldn't conceive it or receive it. God holds marriages to a high regard and HE wants them to work. ANY marriage can work because of HIS covenant. You don't have to be the "right one" you have to be the "correct one", and God will make that happen IF you want HIM to. So at the end of the day, don't go searching for Mr./Mrs. Right, be Mr./Mrs. Right and you will be drawn to a like spirit/characteristic which in turn will have you to become "the right one".