Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Am I an intercessor?

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CareyCarey said...

Hi Tia,

I have 2 problems. I don't know what "intercessor" means and my sound system has gone down. My PC as no sounds - none.

It appears to be a great idea (talk back) I've sent voice e-mails in the past.

Btw, the other Tia showed up at my site. At first I thought it was you but your moniker is a little different. She just went by Tia in one of my recent posts.

It was good to see that you are still kickin'

Tia's Real Talk said...

I've been busy promoting this new venture I've started so I havent been able to get on here much. Thanks for stopping by. Well an intercessor is a person that God places to stand in the gap for another person in prayer. My blog was basicly saying that I always have thoughts about random people. Sometimes dreams or just flashes of their face or voice over and over again. Everytime this has happened, the people I thought of would actually be going thru something very tramactic at the time I thought of them. The first time it happened I was thinking about my nephew the sec he was being gunned down! So I've learn to pray for whomever I dream or think of because I feel God placed them their for a reason. Me, my brother and my cousin have been having disturbing thoughts about a friend and I cant find her to see if she's ok.